Resolution Archives
Below are the 2022 Resolutions
2022-01 Holidays, Mileage and Meal Rates
2022-02 Est. Location for Posting Public Notice
2022-03 Meetings of Board of County Commissioners
2022-04 Vacate Rainy Creek Road
2022-05 Budget Amendment
2022-06 Medical/Recreational Marijuana
2022-07 Poling Place Locations
2022-08 Authorize Submission of DCBG Application
2022-09 Intent Trego/Fortine/Stryker FSA Amended Fee Schedule
2022-10 Amend Trego/Fortine/Stryker FSA Fee Schedule
2022-11 Intent to Establish City of Libby/LC PACE Program
2022-12 Est. City of Libby/LC PACE Program
2022-13 Opposing Federal Government’s “30X30” Land Preservation Goal
2022-14 Intent for Annexation LC Rural Fire District
2022-15 Annex Property into LC Rural Fire District
2022-16 Set Elected Official Base Salaries
2022-17 Set Justice of the Peace Base Salary
2022-18 Special Adjustment to the Standard Mileage Rate
2022-19 Countywide Emergency Declaration Forest Health and Wildland Fire Threat
2022-20 Dist. Bridge and Road Safety and Accountability Program Funds
2022-21 Auth. Dist. County Minimum Allocation Grants for Water & Sewer Inf. Projects
2022-22 Levies for LC FY 2022-2023
2022-23 Budget Amendment
2022-24 Supporting Operation Green Light for Veterans
2022-25 Appoint Special Deputy County Attorneys
2022-26 Riverside Drive Use within Yaak River Tracts Subdivision
2022-27 Amend Eureka FSA Fee Schedule
2022-28 Intent for Annexation Troy Rural Fire District