Emergency Preparedness

Lincoln County Public Health Emergency Preparedness is responsible for protecting the health of residents in Lincoln County during any disaster or emergency. We develop and sustain public health emergency preparedness and response capabilities for terrorism, disease outbreaks and other public health emergencies.

What is a Public Health Emergency?

An occurrence or threat to human health, which can be caused by:

  • Epidemic or pandemic disease
  • Natural disasters with health impact
  • Vector-borne disease
  • Food borne illness
  • Bio- terrorism event

Collaboration is the Key

LCHD establishes close working relationships and mutual-aid agreements with many local agencies and organizations.
Our partners include, but are not limited to:

  • Emergency Management Agency
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Fire and Law Enforcement
  • Volunteer Organizations
  • State and Federal Public Health
  • Schools

Our Major Areas of Planning:

Epidemiology and Surveillance
Maintain methods for quickly identifying outbreaks in our community

Strategic National Stockpile Planning
Develop strategies to rapidly deliver medication to the public in an emergency

Risk Communication
Build systems to communicate important health messages

At Risk/Vulnerable Populations
Identify at-risk groups in our community; develop strategies to meet their needs in an emergency

Food & Water Safety
Educate the public and establishments about maintaining safe food and water

Continuity of Operations Planning
Identifying ways to continue providing our services during an emergency

Training & Exercising
Building our capabilities and testing our systems with drills and exercises

Health Alert Network
Establishing and testing communications networks to release important health information

Montana Resource