Litter Enforcement

The Lincoln County Environmental Health Agency, along with the Sheriff’s Department is responsible for enforcing the Lincoln County Litter Ordinance.

In Lincoln County it is unlawful for an owner, lessee or occupant of private property to allow litter that is visible from a public location to accumulate on his or her property.  It shall also be unlawful for any person to scatter litter on public property, including public roads, public road right of ways, and greenbox sites, or to transport garbage or refuse as an uncovered/unsecured load.
“Litter” is defined as uncontained or openly stored materials which may be classed as trash, debris, rubbish, refuse, garbage or junk.

You can view the entire Litter Ordinance in a PDF format by clicking the link below.

  Litter Ordinance 

Litter Complaints

If you would like to make a litter complaint, contact the Environmental Health Department at (406) 283-2442.

Adopt a Highway

Lincoln County also has a volunteer Adopt a Highway program to help control litter along our roadways. Contact Environmental Health for more details or download the application below.

Adopt a Highway Info & Application