Lincoln County Clerk & Recorder
The Clerk & Recorder’s Office is the “record keeper” for the county, both historic and current. The mission of the Clerk and Recorder’s Office is to preserve and provide for the public a true account of real property, commissioner meeting minutes, birth and death records, and other official county records and to do so with commitment, courtesy, and excellence.
The philosophy of the Lincoln County Election Department is to provide exemplary customer service to the electors of Lincoln County, the public and all local, state, and federal entities. Our goal is to conduct fair, honest, and transparent elections with the highest degree of integrity, professionalism, and courtesy.
The election department maintains voter records, prepares for and conducts primary, general and other county elections. Preparations include certifying the local ballot, preparing ballot layouts, assembling, and distributing supplies and training election judges. Visit the Elections Page Here.
Know your Lincoln County Voter Polling Places
Is your voter information current Voter Portal (
*MT Voter Registration Application 2024
ID for in-person voting
Click here for Important Election Dates
Election Candidate/Voter Assistance at the Clerk & Recorder’s Office
Location: 512 California Ave. Libby, MT (Courthouse)
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
(Election Count Center: 418 Mineral Ave. Libby, MT (Annex- Level B)
Birth & Death Records
Lincoln County is online with the Office of Vital Statistics in Helena. Therefore, this office can access and issue birth and death certificates for all Montana counties currently on record. Visit the Birth & Death Certificates Page Here.
The Clerk & Recorder’s Office is always looking for ways to further assist, educate and serve the public. MontGuides are a self-learning resource from MSU Extension. They cover a wide variety of topics from agriculture, land transfers to estate planning, and so much more. MontGuides are useful references to give information, or instructions to the public. MontGuides are free, and downloadable.
Here is the link to attain MontGuides:
Helpful Mining & Mineral Links
The Bureau Of Land Management (BLM) state offices are the only place where the complete set of land and mineral records for federal lands in a particular state, including mining claim records, are filed and available for public inspection. Anyone who has questions on mining claims or who needs paperwork related to their claim will be directed to contact the state BLM office or one of the links below.
BLM Mining and Minerals Page
BLM Electronic Forms
Mining Claims & Sites on Federal Lands 2019
Lincoln County Address Search
Below are the 2025 Resolutions
Resolution 2025-01 Commission Meeting Dates / Presiding Officer
Resolution 2025-02 Est. Posting Location
Resolution 2025-03 Est. Holidays and Travel Rates
Resolution 2025-04 Approving the Repurchase Agreement for the 2024 John Deere 772GP Motor Grader
Resolution 2025-05 Establishing Days/Hours of Operation for County Offices
Resolution 2025-06 Appoint Special Deputy County Attorney
Resolution 2025-07 Approving Troy Rural Fire District Loan Forgiveness
Resolution 2025-08 Enhance Board Appointment Procedures
Resolution 2025-09 Opposing Legislation Limiting or Prohibiting Montana Association of Counties Lobbying on Behalf of Its Members
Resolution 2025-10 Amend a Parcel Precinct Boundary According to Troy City Limits
Ordinance 2024-01 Recodifying Ordinance
Ordinance 2024-02 Litter Control
Ordinance 2024-03 Dog Control
Ordinance 2024-04 Park Rules of Conduct
Ordinance 2024-05 Community Decay
Ordinance 2024-06 Silver Butte Road