Sheriff Contacts

Below you will find the main contacts for the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office.
If you are experiencing an emergency CALL or TEXT 911.

Lincoln County Sheriff Contacts

Non-Emergency Dispatch
(406) 293-4112 ext 5

Main Courthouse Office
512 California Avenue
Libby, MT 59923
(406) 293-4112
(406) 293-4113
(406) 293-3171 (fax)

Eureka North County Deputy
855 Hwy 93 North
Eureka, MT 59917
(406) 297-2121
(406) 297-2555 (fax)

Troy Resident Deputy 
301 E. Kootenai Avenue
Troy, MT 59935
(406) 295-4111 (Dispatch Office)

Animal Control
512 California Avenue
Libby, Montana 59923
(406) 293-4112 ext. 1233

Administrative Contacts

Chanel Geer
(406) 293-4112 ext. 6

Records (Incident reports, Sex offender registry)
Barb Pfaff
(406) 293-4112 ext. 2

Civil Clerk & Warrants
Brent Shrum
(406) 293-4112 ext. 4

Records Technician (Concealed Weapon Permits, Incident Reports)
Karen Hyslop
(406) 293-4112 ext. 2

Other Departments

Drug Task Force
(406) 293-4112 ext. 1236 or ext. 1267

Patrol Division
(406) 293-4112 ext. 8

Detective Division
(406) 293-4112 ext. 8

Detention Center (Jail) ext. 1
(406) 293-5010 (fax)