How to Help

If you are interested in helping somebody you know who is affected by domestic violence or crime, or are interested in helping out others, below are some ideas on how you can help.

Action Plan


Promote Awareness
Workplace Encourage training on domestic violence and request that policies and procedures addressing this epidemic be drafted.  Place a safety poster in the rest room at your workplace.

Ask if your child’s school has placed a LCHL poster in the school, and, if not, suggest they do.
Community get a purple ribbon pin from the Victim/Witness Program and wear it. Motivate others to wear them too.

If you hear or witness violence, report it to law enforcement immediately. If you suspect abuse is occurring in a relationship, ask questions. Help the victim plan for safety and refer to the “5 Things To Say To A Victim” list.

  • I am afraid for your safety.
  • I am afraid for the safety of your children.
  • It will only get worse.
  • I am here for you when you are ready to leave.
  • You don’t deserve to be abused.

More Tips

  • Help the victim plan for safety using this Safety Plan (PDF).
  • Let the perpetrator know you do not condone their behavior.
  • Let the victim and perpetrator know about resources available to them.
  • Keep what each person tells you confidential.
  • Encourage and Support Legislation & Fund-raising of Domestic Violence Programs.
  • Keep yourself updated on proposed legislation and write a letter to public officials.
  • Invite Educational Speakers Bring in speakers to talk to your civic group, church, PTA, etc., about domestic violence.
  • Talk to Your Children About Domestic Violence and let them know you will always be there for them.
    Encourage them to inform you if they ever feel unsafe or scared in a relationship and let them know it is not their fault.